Super-Dog Events



SuperDog Events is an event company the produces comic cons. The marketing team has requested a site the displays stats from their events. You are given an array of event data to build a site.


Given an array of objects of event data display the following:

  • Total attendance by City
  • Average Attendance by City
  • Least attended event by City
  • Most attended event by City
  • Also Show these stats for All Events
  • Extra Credit: Add the ability to add additional events. Store the events in local storage.

Below is the array of data you are given:

[{event: "ComicCon",city: "New York",state: "New York",attendance: 240000,date: "06/01/2017"},
{event: "ComicCon",city: "New York",state: "New York",attendance: 250000,date: "06/01/2018"},
{event: "ComicCon",city: "New York",state: "New York",attendance: 257000,date: "06/01/2019"},
{event: "ComicCon",city: "San Diego",state: "California",attendance: 130000,date: "06/01/2017"},
{event: "ComicCon",city: "San Diego",state: "California",attendance: 140000,date: "06/01/2018"},
{event: "ComicCon",city: "San Diego",state: "California",attendance: 150000,date: "06/01/2019"},
{event: "HeroesCon",city: "Charlotte",state: "North Carolina",attendance: 40000,date: "06/01/2017"},
{event: "HeroesCon",city: "Charlotte",state: "North Carolina",attendance: 45000,date: "06/01/2018"},
{event: "HeroesCon",city: "Charlotte",state: "North Carolina",attendance: 50000,date: "06/01/2019"}]


Stats For All Events
Total Attendance 100
Average Attendance 100
Most Attended 100
Least Attended 100

Event Name City State Attendance Event Date


The following the JavaScript code used for this exercise.


Technologies Used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery and Bootstrap. Made in VS Studio 2019 with code on GitHub.